Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week of November 2nd

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Halloween! I know I sure was pooped! Hope everyone took advantage of the extra hour of sleep, however I was reminded today that it really doesn't count if you have children - very true!! We had so much fun last week building and decorating our haunted houses. It was so nice to see everyone and share in the fun together! Thank you so much to everyone who donated supplies and yummy treats for us to use. This event wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for your help - THANK YOU!  I would also like to thank everyone who donated gift cards and money towards our 1st grade silent auction basket. Together with the other first grade classes, we were able to put together a basket with about $250 dollars worth of gift cards!! AMAZING!! Be sure to check out the silent auction on November 3rd. Please note that we dismiss at 12:10 on Tuesday.








Over the next two months we will take a break from learning about seeds and we will move our unit of study onto Families. We will read, write and learn about how families are different, change over time and study families of long ago. This will tie in nicely as we learn all about the first Thanksgiving. This week I will be sending home a fun Family mobile project for you to complete with your child. Stay tuned! As we learn about families, we will also explore family traditions. If your family has a fun, different or special family tradition that you would like to share with our class, we invite you to come in over the next two months to share with us. In the past, families have come in to simply talk about their tradition, share a book related to the tradition, share a recipe or dish of food, play a game, etc. We would love to have you share with us, but ask that if you would like to come in, that you limit your "presentation" to 15-20 minutes. Please email me if you would like to schedule a visit.

The third week in November is American Education Week. This is always a fun time at Eagle because families are welcome to come into the classrooms to share in some fun learning activities. We invite you to join us on November 18th at 2:15 for some fun activities. We are tentatively planning on performing a Reader's Theater for you and teaching you some fun math games!

This week in Reader's Workshop we will be working on decoding strategies. We will talk a lot about what to do when you are stuck on a word as a reader. I will post pictures of these strategies next week for you to reference as you read with your child at home.

Last week in Writer's Workshop my writers worked feverishly to choose and publish a personal narrative that they were most proud of. They revised to make sure they had their best 1st grade work. Finally the students published their story in a new booklet, complete with a title and cover page. They did a FANTASTIC job and I am so PROUD of them!! We will share these books this week and keep them in our classroom library before sending them home. We will step away from our "formal" writing program this week as we spend some time writing about our family.

Thank you so much for your continued support!


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